I am excited to be a guest on the Data Dialogues Podcast over at Open Environmental Data! The series brings together folks in the environmental movement to discuss their learnings and reflections working with environmental data.
“A full Data Dialogue consists of three episodes: two guests each have their own 15 – 20 minute 1:1 “highlight segments” with Angela Eaton, OEDP’s Director of Data Inclusion, followed by a shared 30 – 40 minute group conversation between Angela and both guests” (per their website).
Episodes 4, 5, 6 are with me & Daphne Frias:
4: Climate Change is a Disabling Event (Daphne)
5: Interdependence for Environmental Justice Design (Jarah)
6: Averaged-out Data = Averaged-Out People (Daphne & Jarah together)
Our episodes air February 15, and the series has new episodes every Tuesday from Feb 8 to March 15!
Listen, learn more, &subscribe here: http://bit.ly/3s8rk24